
quinta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2006

The Perfect Setup - White Box Linux / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 - FalkoTimme.com: "he Perfect Setup - White Box Linux / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0

Version 1.0
Author: Falko Timme
Last edited 03/22/2004

This is a detailed description about the steps to be taken to setup a Linux server based on White Box Linux that offers all services needed by ISPs and hosters (web server (SSL-capable), mail server (with SMTP-AUTH and TLS!), DNS server, FTP server, MySQL server, POP3/IMAP, Quota, Firewall, etc.).

Since White Box Linux is very similar to Red Hat Enterprise Linux this tutorial should also work for Red Hat Enterprise Linux."

quarta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2006

redhat.com |: "Documentação do Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4

Red Hat Enterprise Linux, o melhor sistema operacional para a computação de fonte aberta, é oferecido através de uma variedade de produtos, do desktop ao centro de dados:

* Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS — para sistemas críticos avançados
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES — para servidores de pequeno/médio porte
* Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS — para estações de trabalho de design/técnicas
* Red Hat Desktop — para clientes administrados e seguros"
Data Recovery Software - File System Utilities: "DriveImage XML
Image and Backup logical Drives and Partitions

DriveImage XML is an easy to use and reliable program for imaging and backing up partitions and logical drives.

The program allows you to:
# Backup logical drives and partitions to image files
# Browse these images, view and extract files
# Restore these images to the same or a different drive
# Copy directly from drive to drive
# Schedule automatic backups with your Task Scheduler"

terça-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2006

: "Paolo Mantovani web page

At the moment this page contains some of my UNO packages (extensions) for OpenOffice.org

All packages are released under free license (GPL or LGPL)

I hope in future to have the time for improvements :-)"

segunda-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2006

Júlio Battisti: "IIS - Instalação - Administração e Configuração

* Parte 1 – Arquitetura e Instalação do IIS 6.0
* Parte 2 – Criando um Web Site
* Parte 3 – Instalação e Configuração do PHP (V.5.0.4)
* Parte 4 – Serviço de FTP – Parte 1
* Parte 5 – Serviço de FTP – Parte 2
* Parte 6 – Serviço de FTP – Parte 3"
Check Point SecureKnowledge: "To debug VPN-1 SecuRemote/SecureClient, run the sc.exe command from the bin directory on the remote machine (i.e., c:\program files\CheckPoint\SecuRemote\Bin\).

Below are various sc.exe commands that can be used to troubleshoot issues with SecuRemote/SecureClient. These commands may aid Check Point's Technical Assistance Center (TAC) to help you finding a resolution.

* Process commands

sc stop

(Stops SecuRemote processes).

sc start

(Starts SecuRemote processes).

* Debug commands

sc debug on

(Starts logging by restarting processes, and creating fwike debug.all and sr_tde.all files in the root directory; fwike_debug.all and sr_tde.all prompt the SecuRemote/SecureClient to start logging).

sc debug off

(Stops logging by restarting processes, and deleting the fwike_debug.all and sr_tde.all files from the root directory).

sc debug on -c

(Starts logging; same command as sc debug on, but also cleans the following files):

o sr_service_tde.log
o sr_gui_tde.log
o sr_watchdog_tde.log

quarta-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2006

Sun Studio Home of the C, C++ & Fortran Compilers and Tools: "Sun Studio
Home of the C, C++ & Fortran Compilers and Tools"

sexta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2006

framework: Type Detection - Examples: "Mime Content Types used in OpenOffice.org1.0 / StarOffice 4.x and later

For general information regarding mime content types please have a look at IANA . Please note the the mime content types currently used in OpenOffice are not registered at IANA .

Mime Content Types used in OpenOffice.org2.0 / StarOffice 8 and later"

terça-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2006

ssaadm(1M) - administration program for SPARCstorage devices"

sexta-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2006

Welcome to the Script Center: "Script Center

Welcome to the Script Center! Consider this your one-stop shop for all your Windows system administration scripting needs. If you're not finding what you need here, let us know what else you'd like to see."
Microsoft TechNet: Columns: "Columns

Microsoft TechNet offers a number of columns written by technology experts. Most are updated monthly; check back often to find solutions to tough IT problems."
BSDhive » Blog Archive » Sendmail Configuration for Solaris 10: "Sendmail Configuration for Solaris 10

Configuring Sendmail on Solaris 10 is relatively easy if you’ve done similar things in the past (i.e. a few installations of Sendmail on FreeBSD). I recently had to set up Sendmail on my Solaris workstation at work and it all went surprisingly well. Of course, I already knew most of the details for writing a proper, local sendmail.mc file, but that’s a little irrelevant."