
terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2007


HdTach: "HD Tach is a low level hardware benchmark for random access read/write storage devices such as hard drives, removable drives (ZIP/JAZZ), flash devices, and RAID arrays. HD Tach uses custom device drivers and other low level Windows interfaces to bypass as many layers of software as possible and get as close to the physical performance of the device possible. The trial version of HD Tach measures the sequential read speed (at various points on the device), the random access speed, interface burst speed and CPU utilization of the drive. The registered version adds sequential write testing."

HD Tune

HD Tune

HD Tune is a Hard Disk utility which has the following functions:

  • Benchmark: measures the performance
  • Info: shows detailed information
  • Health: checks the health status by using SMART
  • Error Scan: scans the surface for errors
  • Temperature display
HD Tune may also work with other storage devices such as memory cards, USB sticks, iPods, etc.

terça-feira, 30 de outubro de 2007

NOVELL: Downloads

NOVELL: Downloads: "OpenOffice. OpenXML Translator"

Na pagina http://docx-converter.com/ podemos tambem converter
de docx para odt

sexta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2007

Diogo Santos – Como diminuir o uso de memória do Firefox

Diogo Santos – Como diminuir o uso de memória do Firefox: "Como diminuir o uso de memória do Firefox Na maioria das vezes, o Firefox não usa muita memória, no entanto, isto pode mudar dependendo do número de complementos e temas que você usa. A última versão do Firefox está com o uso de memória aprimorado. Se você ainda não tem a última versão instalada, baixe e instale agora mesmo."

Notebookcheck: Português - Home

magNotebookcheck: Português - Home: "Boa vinda a notebookcheck.com Notebookcheck – Análises de notebooks e mais Nosso alvo é fornecer informação séria e competente sobre notebooks. Notebookcheck fornece análises, links de análises em outros sites, guias, informação técnica."

terça-feira, 18 de setembro de 2007

Control System :: Soluções em TI

Control System :: Soluções em TI
Controle de acesso web, navegação e MSN.

quarta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2007

How to install and use Command line SVN

How to install and use Command line SVN: "Command Line SVN 1. Where to download Command Line SVN 2. How to Install Command Line SVN on Windows 3. How to use Command Line SVN"

terça-feira, 11 de setembro de 2007

redhat.com |

redhat.com |: "Tips & Tricks Featured Article: /proc/meminfo Explained"

Tuning and Optimizing RHEL for Oracle 9i and 10g Databases (Red Hat Enterprise Linux, 4, 3, 2.1 - redhat, x86-64)

Tuning and Optimizing RHEL for Oracle 9i and 10g Databases (Red Hat Enterprise Linux, 4, 3, 2.1 - redhat, x86-64): "Tuning and Optimizing Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Oracle 9i and 10g Databases"

Tuning Linux for Maximum Performance

Tuning Linux for Maximum Performance: "Tuning Linux for Maximum Performance"

Linux Tuning Guide

Linux Tuning Guide: "Linux Tuning Guide 1. Filesystem 2. Tuning IDE Hard Disk Performance 3. bdflush 4. Performance-Settings Linux VM 5. Openldap Tuning 6. Networking 7. Samba 8. Compiler Options 9. Virtual Consoles 10. Setting System Wide Limit for File Handles"

segunda-feira, 13 de agosto de 2007

53 CSS-Techniques You Couldn’t Live Without | CSS

53 CSS-Techniques You Couldn’t Live Without | CSS: "CSS is important. And it is being used more and more often. Cascading Style Sheets offer many advantages you don’t have in table-layouts - and first of all a strict separation between layout, or design of the page, and the information, presented on the page. Thus the design of pages can be easily changed, just replacing a css-file with another one."
53 técnicas importantes de CSS.

CSS Creator

CSS Creator: "A Cascading Style Sheet learning resource for web developers and designers. Give and receive tips and advice on CSS and website creation."

Ajaxload - Ajax loading gif generator

Ajaxload - Ajax loading gif generator

AJAX Activity Indicators

AJAX Activity Indicators: "AJAX Activity Indicators"

Smarty : Why Use Smarty

Smarty : Why Use Smarty: "Is Smarty right for me? Although Smarty is known as a 'Template Engine', it would be more accurately described as a 'Template/Presentation Framework.' That is, it provides the programmer and template designer with a wealth of tools to automate tasks commonly dealt with at the presentation layer of an application. I stress the word Framework because Smarty is not a simple tag-replacing template engine. Although it can be used for such a simple purpose, its focus is on quick and painless development and deployment of your application, while maintaining high-performance, scalability, security and future growth."

terça-feira, 3 de abril de 2007

Only Ubuntu Linux: Bash Shell Keyboard Shortcuts For Linux Users: "Bash Shell Keyboard Shortcuts For Linux Users

The default shell on most Linux operating systems is called Bash. There are a couple of important hotkeys that you should get familiar with if you plan to spend a lot of time at the command line. These shortcuts will save you a ton of time if you learn them."

terça-feira, 27 de março de 2007

Re: [OFF] subversion: bloquear commit de arquivos com nome acentuado: "bloquear commit de arquivos com nome acentuado

Tue, 13 Mar 2007 15:41:51 -0800

Olá lista,

Só pra ficar registrado, para criar o script hook para filtrar nomes
de arquivos a serem comitados, impedindo caracteres acentuados e
outros, eu utilizei em no script hoot 'pre-commit' o comando svnlook,
com o parâmetro -r assim:

LISTA = `svnlook -r $TXN $REPOS`

Esse comando irá pegar a lista de arquivos a serem commitados no
servidor, com ele poderemos aplicar o filtro, por exemplo:

if [ `echo $LISTA | grep -o '[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\+\_]' | wc -l` == $((`echo
$LISTA | wc -m`-1)) ]; then
echo 0
echo 1