
terça-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2011

developerWorks: Wikis - Systems - gmon - A Graphical LPar Monitor

developerWorks: Wikis - Systems - gmon - A Graphical LPar Monitor: "gmon - A graphical LPar Monitor IBM's AIX (& Linux) running on POWER Systems

gmon allows you to graphically monitor several AIX 5.3TL5+ , AIX6, Linux LPars and/or VIO Servers
running on POWER5, POWER6 or POWER7 servers - from a PC or Laptop running Windows.

gmon has a very high refresh rate (1sec - 4secs) and is best used as a Demonstration tool or
as an Educational tool to help you learn and 'see' how POWER Virtualization works in action 'real time'.

gmon also now has the ability to 'playback' nmon files - up to 8 nmon files can be played back at once.

gmon's author is IBM UK's - Andy Thomas, who works as an IT Consultant focussed on POWER Systems & AIX technologies.

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developerWorks: Wikis - Systems - gmon - A Graphical LPar Monitor

developerWorks: Wikis - Systems - gmon - A Graphical LPar Monitor: "gmon - A graphical LPar Monitor IBM's AIX (& Linux) running on POWER Systems

gmon allows you to graphically monitor several AIX 5.3TL5+ , AIX6, Linux LPars and/or VIO Servers
running on POWER5, POWER6 or POWER7 servers - from a PC or Laptop running Windows.

gmon has a very high refresh rate (1sec - 4secs) and is best used as a Demonstration tool or
as an Educational tool to help you learn and 'see' how POWER Virtualization works in action 'real time'.

gmon also now has the ability to 'playback' nmon files - up to 8 nmon files can be played back at once.

gmon's author is IBM UK's - Andy Thomas, who works as an IT Consultant focussed on POWER Systems & AIX technologies.

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Is your AIX environment secure?

Is your AIX environment secure?: "Is your AIX environment secure?

Find out ways to protect your system from intruders
Shiv Dutta, Technical Consultant, IBM, Software Group
Shiv Dutta works as a Technical Consultant in the IBM Systems and Technology Group where he assists independent software vendors with the enablement of their applications on pSeries servers. Shiv has considerable experience as a software developer, system administrator, and an instructor. He provides AIX support in the areas of system administration, problem determination, performance tuning, and sizing guides. Shiv has worked with AIX from its inception. He holds a Ph.D. in Physics from Ohio University and can be reached at sdutta@us.ibm.com.

Summary: In this article, the author discusses common security problems in any Unix environment, including AIX. He identifies some of the key files and the steps required to maintain their integrity, and he highlights a number of security tools you can use to diagnose an AIX system and identify potential security lapses. The ideas discussed here apply to all releases of AIX and will be useful to both AIX system administrators and AIX programmers concerned about protecting their systems from intruders.

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unixwerk: VIO Server Howto

unixwerk: VIO Server Howto: "VIO Server Howto


1. Run IOS commands as root
2. What is the AIX command behind an ioscli command?

IOS - Information and Maintenance

1. List all ioscli commands
2. IOS Version
3. Apply IOS Fixes
4. Reboot the VIO Server

Virtual Devices: Storage

1. List unmapped disks
2. List all Disk Mappings
3. Create a Virtual SCSI Host Adapter
4. Remove a Virtual SCSI Host Adapter
5. Assign a Disk/LV to a Virtual SCSI Host Adapter
6. Unassign a Disk/LV from a Virtual SCSI Host Adapter

Virtual Devices: Fibre Channel

1. Create a Virtual Fibre Channel Adapter
2. List Virtual Fibre Channels
3. List NPIV Capable Ports
4. Assign a Physical FC Adapter to a Virtual Fibre Channel Adapter
5. Unassign a Physical FC Adapter from a Virtual Fibre Channel Adapter

Virtual Devices: Network

1. List Shared Ethernet Adapters
2. Create a Shared Ethernet Adapter
3. List Links on Physical Ethernet Adapters
4. Set an local IP Address
5. Remove an local IP Address

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unixwerk: HMC Commandline Interface

unixwerk: HMC Commandline Interface: "How to use the HMC Commandline
This documents contains the most important HMC commands. It covers both, the old power4 commands (up to HMC Version 3) and the new power5 style commands (HMC Version 4-6). A lot of nice commands still available for version 3 (power4) are removed from newer releases. One example of these nice commands is lslpars and it's not available for HMC version 4 and higher. The real reason behind it is that IBM wants to force us to use the web based tools wsm and WebSM or the new HMC browser GUI. This documents helps you to survive with the HMC commands in case working with the web based tools is not feasible.

In the examples below we call a whole power4 or power5 frame (aka Managed System) pserver. We call an LPAR mylpar. If an example output shows more than one LPAR name we enumerate it. LPAR Profiles are shown as myprofile. You have to replace these names with your object names.

If you use power6 systems, you need the new HMC version7. Although the GUI has changed from wsm to a browser based service, the commandline remains compatible. You can just use the power5 examples for power6 and power7.

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terça-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2011

DDR3 Memory Configuration Tool

DDR3 Memory Configuration Tool: "DDR3 Memory Configuration Tool

DDR3 Memory comes in two types; RDIMM and UDIMM.

RDIMM or Registered - Highest maximum capacity
* Larger capacities and include address parity protection & advanced memory protection.
* Less electrical load on the memory controller; allows systems to remain stable with more memory modules.
* Used for applications requiring scalability and stability.

UDIMM or Unbuffered - Limited capacity.
* Lower power consumption, limited in capacity but generally lower in price.

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Como educar os filhos para a era digital? | TI Especialistas

Como educar os filhos para a era digital? | TI Especialistas: "Como educar os filhos para a era digital?

Dicas para os pais dos internautas:

1. Pesquise pelo nome e e-mail de seu filho junto aos principais sites de busca e redes sociais;
2. Saiba quem são seus “amigos virtuais”;
3. Oriente-o quanto à publicação de imagens e conteúdos de terceiros na Internet;
4. Tenha um perfil no mesmo site de relacionamento que seu filho;
5. Mantenha o diálogo com ele e seja um exemplo positivo;
6. Entre em contato com a escola, para o desenvolvimento de programas de conscientização."

quarta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2011

Revista GDH

Revista GDH: "Revista GDH

A Revista GDH foi uma revista digital contendo artigos e tutoriais aprofundados sobre hardware, redes e Linux, mantida pelo Guia do Hardware e distribuída gratuitamente. Embora o projeto tenha sido encerrado por falta de fundos, foram produzidas 11 edições entre janeiro de 2007 e maio de 2008, que você pode em: