
sexta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2014

Como habilitar o repositório RPMForge no RHEL/CentOS 7.x/6.x/5.x

Repositório RPMForge é um utilitário que é usado para instalar pacotes de software de terceiros sob o Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) e CentOS.

Ele fornece mais de 5000 pacotes de software no formato rpm.

RPMForge não faz parte do RHEL ou CentOS, mas é projetado para trabalhar com esses sistemas operacionais. A lista completa dos pacotes RPMForge pode ser obtida em http://packages.sw.be/
Install RPMForge Repository in Centos

Matéria completa em: www.tecmint.com

terça-feira, 12 de agosto de 2014

OMNISPEED – average speed and current speed of running and completed sessions

To calculate the speed of your backup jobs is still not a easy task within Data Protector, you need to monitor the session, to write down the start time, to write down the GB written and finally you need to calculate the speed. So, here are the good news, this is now automated. Just hold on! Was this article not already posted previously.
Yes, you are right the old article can be found here: http://www.data-protector.org/wordpress/2012/07/omnispeed/.

Because of the many changes in the new version a new article was created. To use the tool download and extract the version into the bin folder in omniback on your Windows cell server or on a client with installed GUI and execute it, thats it. If you are not running on Windows, please have a look at the help screen. Please keep in mind: the values displayed are the average throughput for the currently running sessions. What’s new? The current troughput for a currently running session is displayed. What else? See below.


terça-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2014

IP Ratings (Ingress Protection)

A two-digit number established by the International Electro Technical Commission, is used to provide an Ingress Protection rating to a piece of electronic equipment or to an enclosure for electronic equipment.
The protection class after EN60529 are indicated by short symbols that consist of the two code letters IP and a code numeral for the amount of the protection.
Example: IP65 (NEMA 4)
The two digits represent different forms of environmental influence:
 • The first digit represents protection against ingress of solid objects.
 • The second digit represents protection against ingress of liquids.
The larger the value of each digit, the greater the protection. As an example, a product rated IP54 would be better protected against environmental factors than another similar product rated as IP42.


IP.. First digit:
Ingress of solid objects
Second digit:
Ingress of liquids
0 No protection No protection
1 Protected against solid objects over 50mm e.g. hands, large tools. Protected against vertically falling drops of water or condensation.
2 Protected against solid objects over 12.5mm e.g. hands, large tools. Protected against falling drops of water, if the case is disposed up to 15 from vertical.
3 Protected against solid objects over 2.5mm e.g. wire, small tools. Protected against sprays of water from any direction, even if the case is disposed up to 60from vertical.
4 Protected against solid objects over 1.0mm e.g. wires. Protected against splash water from any direction.
5 Limited protection against dust ingress.
(no harmful deposit)
Protected against low pressure water jets from any direction. Limited ingress permitted.
6 Totally protected against dust ingress. Protected against high pressure water jets from any direction. Limited ingress permitted.
7 N/A Protected against short periods of immersion in water.
8 N/A Protected against long, durable periods of immersion in water.
9k N/A Protected against close-range high pressure, high temperature spray downs.

IP protection of the PIP:

A PIP in the standard PIP housing is generally IP51 protected. Higher IP protection level with the standard PIP housing (up to IP54) can be reached with good positioning / orientation of the PIP. In other special PIP-housings, like a MIL-housing up to IP67 protection is possible.

IP protection of the PANEL-PIP:

The PANEL-PIP is available in various housings. Those allow a protection level of up to all around IP65.

Fonte: http://www.mpl.ch/info/IPratings.html

LED IP Ratings- LED Flex strip waterproofing explained - Waterproof v nonwaterproof LED strip lights

What are LED IP Ratings?

LEDs come in waterproof and non-waterproof applications. To choose the right LED strip light, first assess the conditions that the LED lights will be subjected to. Will they be indoor? Outdoor? Rainy areas? Desert climate? etc.IP ratings measure the amount of protection flexible LED strip lights get from the elements.
IP ratings are here to specify the amount of protection the LED received from the elements. The IP stands for Ingress Protection. Each IP rating has 2 numbers. The first number refers to the protection against solid objects (dust, etc) and the second number refers to liquid protection. Look below for our chart on IP Ratings. Our 5050 LED strip light and 3528 LED strip lights come waterproof or non waterproof!
LED strip light IP ratings what is an IP rating
Example :With an IP65 , The LEDs can be used in an outside setting and are water-resistant, but they are not waterproof and are not OK to be submerged. An IP68 can be submerged in water.
Note: These flexible LED strips are not to be used in or around chlorinated or salt water, waterproof LEDs are fully submersible in untreated water.
Waterproof LEDs also have higher protection against foot traffic. Example would be movie theater aisles, yard pathways, staircases, restaurant bars, club floors, yacht deck lighting. Our waterproof LED flexible strip lights are perfect for bathroom or kitchen applications. Undercabinets near showers, sinks, or other high splash areas. These LED strip lights can be placed just about anywhere.

Fonte:  http://www.flexfireleds.com/pages/LED-IP-Ratings%252d-LED-Flex-strip-waterproofing-explained-%252d-Waterproof-v-nonwaterproof-LED-strip-lights.html

segunda-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2014

Grunt JS: Automatize tarefas e otimize o seu workflow


O Grunt JS é um poderoso task runner, que roda no terminal, e é gerenciado pelo NPM, o gerenciador de pacotes para Node.js.

Maiores informações: http://blog.henriquesilverio.com/javascript-e-jquery/grunt-js-automatize-tarefas-e-otimize-o-seu-workflow/

sexta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2014

Primeiro computador pessoal acessível, Macintosh completa 30 anos

A chegada do primeiro Macintosh, com 128 k de memória, por US$ 2.500 tornou os computadores mais acessíveis à população, principalmente pelas facilidades como o uso do mouse.